Stanisław Janecki, Jerzy Sławomir Mac,
z Wprost od 22 lutego 2005 r.
stoją pod pręgierzem Czytelników.

Po opublikowaniu na stronach magazynu RODAKpress artykułu Stanisałwa Janeckiego "Zmilitaryzowane "Wiadomości" może poprowadzić Jacek Żakowski, a mundur pożyczy mu Marek Tumanowicz" okazało się, że w 2001r. wraz z Jerzym Sławomirem Macem opublikowali we Wprost artykuł wychwalający "Sąsiadow" Grossa, "Nasza wina" w którym walą "dziesięcioma cepami" w Polaków i przepraszają w imieniu każdego z nas. Mało tego wrogie Polsce media natychmiast podchwyciły ten artykuł i podpierały wypowiedzią polskich dziennikarzy, apologetów książki Grossa swoje tezy.
Póki co nie znana jest nam żadna próba sprostowania ze strony w/w dziennikarzy.

Napisał toto Janecki, jeden z dzisiejszych filarów "prawicowego ścieku" i wymienia 10 grzechów Polaków wobec Żydów.

Wniosek z powyższego wynika natępujący:
- Ludzie z "listy" ubabrani zostali przez SB.
- Pan Janecki i p. Mac ubabrali się sami.

Poniżej przykład pisma w j. hiszpanskim

Por nuestras faltas pedimos disculpas a los judíos y solicitamos su perdón

Artículo publicado en polaco en el Poznan Wprost el 25 de marzo de 2001, por Stanislaw Janecki y Jerzy Slawomir Mac

Ponadto w internecie można przeczytać:

.A historian Leszek Zebrowski about Gross's "Neighbors" .The original title of the interview, "Jedwabnym szlakiem kłamstw", is a pun on the name of Jedwabne which also means in Polish"made of silk", hence my "Silk Road". The heading of the post paraphrases the title of Brumberg's propaganda piece in the TLS, and has been invented by one of my correspondents.

Wywiad z Leszkiem Żebrowskim ( m inn. Autor książki KLAMSTWA WYBORCZEJ) przeprowadził p. Wesołowski

These facts must be compared with the idiocies written by Stanislaw Janecki and Jerzy Slawomir Mac in the post-communist "Wprost" of 25 March 2001: "If the Poles helped the Jews to the same extent as they conspired against the Germans, the associated with it risk would be minimized. Mutual denunciations would stop, and the Gestapo would be helpless. The good example here is Holland, where a Jew was hidden in almost every home. " Since the population of Holland at that time numbered about 8 million, how many Jews would have to hide there, and where would they come from? [...]

WM: Recently we hear more and more often about the collective responsibility of the Poles (Gross wrote that the Jews in Jedwabne "were murdered by the society"). Is this point of view valid?

LZ: I don't agree with the concepts of collective guilt and collective punishment. These are criteria used by totalitarian states! It is absurd to accuse even all the inhabitants of Jedwabne (because, contrary to Gross's opinion, only individuals took part in those events), not to mention the whole nation, and equally absurd is to apologize in the name of everybody. Anyway, this kind of thinking is done on a strictly ethnic platform: any time now the Russians will demand from us an apology for Dzerzhynsky, the Germans for von dem Bach-Zelewski.

Czy Janecki i Mac dalej uznają zbiorową winę Polaków za Jedwabne? I czy to co przytacza Gross jest całkowicie prawdziwe????

Andrew Yurkovsky
World Press Review senior editor

In a single day in July 1941, half the population of the Polish town of Jedwabne was murdered. The victimsall but seven of the towns 1,600 Jewswere killed by Catholic Poles, who acted under the leadership of Jedwabnes mayor and priest

(...)In March, officials removed a monument in Jedwabne that had attributed the pogrom to the Nazi occupiers. Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has stated that he will perform an official act of penance there on July 10, the 60th anniversary of the massacre. Other government and Catholic Church officials, while expressing horror over Grosss findings, have been more equivocal in speaking on behalf of the Polish people.

As Gross had hoped, Neighbors has caused many Poles to reflect anew on the countrys wartime experience. Writing in the moderate Warsaw newsmagazine Wprost , (March 25), Stanislaw Janecki and Jerzy Slawomir Mac offered a litany of sins committed by Poles against Jews, including silence and indifference. They concluded: Thus we extend our apology to the Jewsin the name of the nation, the society: each and every one of us. We clear ourselves of blame, to enter the 21st century with a clean conscience.


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